Top 5 Reasons to Treat Acne Early By Milan Lombardi MD on June 27, 2023

Acne refers to a skin condition in which the skin’s pores get clogged with hair, sweat, oil, and other debris. This causes clusters of red, white, and black bumps to appear in these areas. Acne most often appears on the face, and it is most prevalent in young people between the ages of 11 and 21. Today, experts from the center for cosmetic surgery near you in Tampa will list the top 5 reasons to treat acne early and often.

Top 5 Reasons to Treat Acne Early

While many young folks consider acne a rite of passage, others see it as a monster growing right out of their skin. Either way, it is important to get acne diagnosed and treated as soon as it starts to appear. Not only can this help detect more serious problems early on, but it can also reduce the chance that acne will be there permanently.

Get Rid of Scars

Untreated acne can cause facial scarring, leaving behind a permanent remnant of the preteen years. Additionally, acne that is constantly being scratched or picked at can result in scarring as well. A proper and professional acne treatment plan can reduce the appearance of acne and eliminate the risk of scarring.

Keep Acne Mild

Acne can be mild, only developing a few spots of bumps or rashes as it begins to appear. This is the best time to start an individualized treatment plan for acne before it can develop into a more serious skin condition. If you or your preteen child are starting to notice pimples on the face, seek acne treatment immediately. You don’t want a mildly annoying cluster of whiteheads to turn into permanent and painful skin acne.

Prevent Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation

Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation, also known as PIH, occurs after serious acne has been cleared away from the face. While the acne may be gone, it often leaves a red or dark-colored spot behind on the skin. These spots can linger for weeks or even months before they slowly disappear. Treating acne early can reduce the likelihood that this type of hyperpigmentation will happen.

Prevent the Need for Permanent Acne Medication

Severe forms of acne require prescribed medication that you may need to take for life. Medication can come in the form of an ointment or a cream. These options offer nutrients that moisturize the skin and clear out clogged pores. Unfortunately, some of these medications can have a variety of side effects. So they will need to be monitored by your doctor. This means you will be going to the doctor more frequently, which can put a lot of strain on your daily schedule.

Get Fast-Acting Treatment Results

Everyone’s skin works differently. So it can be difficult to say exactly how long it will take to completely clear up your acne. However, it is no secret that treating your acne early can jumpstart some results. It is always easier to treat mild cases of pimples, acne, and zits than it is to treat chronic patches of acne all over the skin. Make sure to get in touch with your trusted dermatologist if you believe that acne is starting to appear on your or your loved one’s face.

Get Personalized Acne Treatment Today

There are many different types of acne treatments that are used to clear up every form of acne, from mild to severe. Treating acne early is always the best move to make in order to prevent scarring and other long-term effects on the skin. To learn more about non-surgical acne treatment in Tampa, get in touch with your Synergy MD pros today. We can offer you a customized treatment plan that will quickly wipe away any signs of acne.

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SynergyMD in Tampa, FL, is led by two of the most talented and skilled physicians in the entire state—Joseph M. Brown and Milan Lombardi. We are dedicated to providing comprehensive treatments for all things cosmetic and dermatologic in one convenient location. Our affiliations include:

  • American Board of Dermatology (ABD)
  • American Academy of Dermatology (AAD)
  • American Medical Association (AMA)
  • American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS)
  • American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS)
  • American College of Surgeons (ACS)

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