
Questions to Ask About a Brow Lift

Sep 15, 2022 @ 09:11 AM — by Milan Lombardi MD
Tagged with: Brow Lift Facial Procedures Facial Procedures

If you are struggling with creases, sags, and folds on your face, you may feel that your confidence has taken a huge blow. While the signs of aging can be beautiful, it is difficult to deal with a rapidly changing face. A brow lift could be the perfect solution to preventing age lines and rejuvenating the face. Below we have some questions to ask about a brow lift.

Questions to Ask About a Brow Lift

At our office of cosmetic surgery in Tampa, we offer several innovative brow lift techniques and treatments to help you get the face you want. If you are overwhelmed with your options or just aren’t sure where to start, here are some great questions to ask about a brow lift before you commit to any procedure.

What Does a Brow Lift Treat?

Over time, certain facial expressions cause us to develop deep creases and lines all over the face. These lines can be reduced and even prevented with a brow lift. A brow lift specifically treats areas of the forehead and upper eyes and can be done in conjunction with other rejuvenating facial procedures.

Brow lifts target:

It is a good idea to schedule a personal consultation with our expert team of professionals. So you can discover which type of symptom you are looking to treat.

Does a Brow Lift Count as Plastic Surgery?

Forehead and brow lifts can be performed by a cosmetic surgery specialist with any number of specialties. Do you want a quick fix or you are looking for top-notch services? We can provide a full consultation to help you realize your best self. A brow lift is often considered plastic surgery. That is because a procedure is done to remove and tighten the skin on your forehead. While there is some recovery time required, you should expect to see results within the first few weeks following your procedure.

How Long Does Recovery Typically Take?

Every patient is different, but the average person heals from a brow lift within 10 - 14 days. However, you typically need to pencil in a lot more on your schedule as internal healing can take months. While it will only take 1 - 2 weeks for you to look presentable and aesthetically pleasing, your body is still trying to recover from the procedure. Be sure to take it easy until your doctor gives you the all-clear.

What Do Brow Lift Incisions Look Like?

There are a few different techniques that our doctors use to perform a successful brow lift, and it all depends on what you are trying to treat. Some folks may be good candidates for traditional incisions, which are done right along the hairline. Those with thicker hairlines might want a trichophytic incision, which can make room for even more brow lift revisions. If neither of those techniques works for you, you may be able to ask about endoscopic incisions which leave just a few tiny incision scars behind.

How Long Will My Brow Lift Results Last?

Fortunately, we invest in state-of-the-art technology and procedures which are designed to set you up for life. All of our brow lift procedures are meant to last you well over a decade. Some patients report that their brow lift results have lasted more than 12 years. The health and current condition of your forehead, your skin, and your body will determine how long you can expect to enjoy the results of this groundbreaking procedure.

Get Professional Brow Lifts Today

SynergyMD is your premier source for top-notch plastic surgery options, such as a brow lift in Tampa. You can schedule a personal appointment with one of our friendly professionals today to learn more about the perfect procedure for you. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.