Questions to Ask Your Surgeon About Breast Augmentation By Milan Lombardi MD on March 31, 2022

Breast augmentations are one of the most well-known procedures around the world, and people are looking to get them for a number of different reasons. But just because it’s popular doesn’t mean that accurate information about it is also readily available. It is important that you understand the details of your procedure before you go under the knife. So, if you have any questions to ask your surgeon about breast augmentation in Tampa, now is the perfect time to contact your doctor!

Questions to Ask Your Surgeon About Breast Augmentation

Below, we’ve listed a few important questions and their answers to help you feel more familiar with the breast augmentation process overall.

What Breast Size will Work Best for My Body Type?

A lot of people walk into their surgeon’s office imagining that they will leave with very large breasts. However, that is not always going to be the case. You and your surgeon will need to make the best decision about the size of your breast implants since every person’s body is unique and has a different ideal implant size. It is important to find the right size that will give you a natural appearance.

Do You Have Experience with Breast Augmentations?

Never go to an inexperienced surgeon for an important operation like this. You want to find someone who is experienced and ideally performs several breast augmentations a week. Some plastic surgeons are generalists who perform many types of procedures per day. Some specialize in one type of surgery. Ask your surgeon how many breast augmentations they do in a given week. This will give you an idea about how experienced they are with the procedure. Make sure, above all else, that you are choosing to go with a board-certified plastic surgeon.

How Long Will My Implants Last? And What About Pregnancy?

Breast implants can withstand many changes, even future pregnancies. Implants can only be a problem if they are improperly inserted. Breast implants today are durable and can last for 10 years or longer. Breast tissue can sag due to gravity, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and normal aging. To restore a youthful look, a mastopexy breast lift procedure can be used. You can swap out implants for one with a larger volume to restore breast fullness and retain the shape you desire to have the most.

What Should I Expect During Surgery?

The procedure usually takes a few hours. These are the steps our expert surgeons take to ensure everything goes well:
  • After you have been anesthetized, the doctor will perform the incisions that he has previously marked.
  • Depending on which implant placement you choose, he may create a pocket under the pectoral muscle or behind the breast tissue. This is the area where the implant will go.
  • The implant has been placed. Implants made of silicone are already filled after they are inserted. Saline implants, on the other hand, are filled only once the shell has been placed into the pocket.
  • The doctor will examine the incisions for symmetry and then close them. After closing the incisions, he will use a dressing to protect and secure the tissues and implants, as well as keep swelling down.
After you have woken up from anesthesia, your condition will be assessed, and you will be taken to our recovery room. You will be monitored for approximately one hour. You will still be feeling groggy and taking pain medication, so you need another adult to drive you home. After a breast augmentation, patients cannot drive themselves home.

What Will Recovery Be Like?

You may feel some pain for the first couple of days following your surgery, and that pain will subside as the swelling goes down. Your doctor will give you pain medications to help you manage this pain during the early days of recovery. In all, it takes a few weeks to a few months for you to be recovered enough to get back to your daily routine. However, you won’t have to wait any time at all to see your results!

Schedule Your Breast Augmentation ASAP

Are you looking to reshape, reform, and increase the size of your breasts? We offer a myriad of options at our cosmetic surgery center in Tampa. Contact us today and schedule a consultation with one of our trusted SynergyMD doctors and learn about your candidacy for your desired breast procedure.

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SynergyMD in Tampa, FL, is led by two of the most talented and skilled physicians in the entire state—Joseph M. Brown and Milan Lombardi. We are dedicated to providing comprehensive treatments for all things cosmetic and dermatologic in one convenient location. Our affiliations include:

  • American Board of Dermatology (ABD)
  • American Academy of Dermatology (AAD)
  • American Medical Association (AMA)
  • American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS)
  • American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS)
  • American College of Surgeons (ACS)

To request a consultation, fill out our online form or call us at (813) 328-5387.

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