
Why Winter is Best for Breast Augmentation

Mar 2, 2022 @ 06:25 AM — by Milan Lombardi MD
Tagged with: Breast Augmentation Breast Augmentation Breast Procedures

Are you someone who is looking to enhance the natural size and beauty of your breasts? If so, you might want to do so during the winter season. A lot of people want their bodies to be ready by the summertime, so now is the best season to get started! This is why many patients visit our cosmetic surgery center in Tampa during the months of December, January, and February. Let's look at why winter is best for breast augmentation.

Why Winter is Best for Breast Augmentation

Keep reading to find out exactly why winter is best for breast augmentation treatments and what other things our patients are looking forward to in the upcoming months!

Avoid the Sun - Which We Recommend

We recommend that you try to avoid exposing your breasts to heat or direct sunlight for several months after the surgical procedure to prevent more permanent scarring. You won’t have any kind of problem avoiding the sun when it is asleep for most of the wintertime anyway. Additionally, the cold air can feel good on the parts of your body that have swollen, working to reduce inflammation at a much faster rate. The cold winter also helps you get rid of surgery scars at a much quicker rate.

Better Scheduling with the Surgeon

Most surgeons have schedules that are more open in the winter than the summer. They are usually more than happy to accommodate patients looking to take the next step in their plastic surgery journey. Winter is always your best bet when it comes to scheduling plastic surgeries. This is what we recommend in Tampa! This way, you can get penciled in at exactly the right time and start on the path to recovery before the fun months arrive.

Relax All Season Long!

Most people take a lot of much-deserved time off during the holiday season, and you should take advantage of this as well after your surgery. You want as much time as possible to just rest and let your body heal at the pace it wants to. Trust us, your body will thank you for it! This is a great time to not have to worry about too much social engagement, meetups, company events, or vacations. Just rest, relax, and get ready for a fun summer next year.

Have a Beach Body By the Summer

Recovery can be long, and during this time, you may not feel like showing off your body too much as you go through discomfort and pain. But as soon as you are feeling better, you will be eager to start sharing the results of your breast augmentation. If you get your surgery in the winter, the timing will line up perfectly for you to show off your great new body during swimsuit season when you are finally in the mood to have fun again.

Cover Up Unsightly Swelling

During the recovery process, you may deal with some swelling and sensitivity. This could make you look like you have some big bruises all over your chest. During the winter, you can cover up these bruises with sweaters, bras, shirts, and the layers of clothing you usually wear in the winter. This is much better than the summertime when it’s too hot to wear much of anything at all, which would make you even more miserable!

Get the Best Breast Augmentation Results Today!

At SynergyMD, we offer the most advanced and highly-rated options for breast augmentation in Tampa. You can enjoy the breasts you have always wanted when you consult with our specialists for winter-season surgery. This is the best time of year to give yourself all the space you need for recovery and healing. You’ll be a new person in the summertime. Call us today to learn more about how you can bring out your inner beauty this season!